Off Season-On Season

So a few people have mentioned I've been a bit useless on the website front. Since the last update I raced Milano-San Milan and Lombardie, then finished off with China...Lombardie is such an awesome race!

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Quebec & Montreal

Home, well maybe not quite home but back in Girona which probably slots in around #3 in terms of places I call home in terms of homeyness  but its a lot closer than Canada. 9 weeks of living out of a suitcase has me appreciating the small things again like a set of draws, my guitar and not wearing the same 5 t-shirts in sequence.

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Tour of Utah

Pretty scary thought crossed my mind just before the start gun fired, exactly a year had passed since I started with Radioshack as a stagiaire in the 2011 Tour of Utah, slightly less green - it was good to see I wasn’t so much of a bottom feeder a year down the track.

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